Dragon(not feathered)

I’m lazy and I have a headache, so you’ll have to wait a few hours before I scan the ones I drew last night, but here’s a digital one (which isn’t nearly as good) so long.

BTW this was done with a finger as my tablet is not stylus compatible. One day I’ll get a wacom intuos with painter essentials 5. One day.


#@%! Summer


I’m currently sitting in front of a clutter encrusted desk, keyboard on my lap, screen occasionally coming unplugged, and evaporative cooler on at full blast. I am also wishing all manner of horrid things onto the heat while wondering whether the borehole has filled up enough for the sprinkler to be switched on again. I’ve started school again (CIE AS and A levels), but fortunately (…?) the heat is such that I cannot work between 12 and 7 pm and so I have a lot of time off in the afternoon.

This was done with a Pentel Energel pen (took about a 20th of the (relatively expensive)ink)